JuniperPublishers-Global Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences

Juniper Publishers-Open Access Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences

First Step Analysis in Quality Control-Volumetric Analysis

Authored by Mohamad Taleuzzaman

In pharmaceutical industry the quality control is the check point for the raw material and as well as finished product. The incoming material in quality control is first checked by titrimetric method. Here the purity or standard of the material is confirmed by performing the qualitative and quantitative analysis. Even though volumetric titration is not a fully correct method since the result is affected by the titration equipment, the temperature and other laboratory conditions [1]. It is recommended to determine the titer of volumetric solutions to receive reliable and transparent results. This method result is influenced by the many factor like measuring method Instrument (instrument error/abrasion of the burette), Electrodes (electrode error/alteration of electrodes), Handling (e.g. preparation of dilution), Balance (weighing error), Temperature Change of the volumetric solution because of influence through environmental oxygen, carbon dioxide, microorganism.

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