Future Medicine such as Gene or Stem Cell Therapy are Better than Nonbiological or Some Biological (Antibiotic) Medicine-Juniper Publishers

Gene therapy is the therapy where nucleic acid polymers are used to delivery into patient’s cell as a drug to treat the disease and using an adenovirus vector which is insert the new gene into cell and this gene make a functional protein to treat or control of the disease and it is also used to treat the cancer or hormonal diseases [1,2]. On the other hand, stem cell therapy is the therapeutic delivery of stem cell into patient’s body to treat or prevent of the disease or condition such as blood stem cell used to treat the blood diseases and it is also known as regenerative medicine [3,4]. Stem cell grow in a lab and manipulated of specialize cell into specific types cell such as heart muscle cells,blood cells,nerve cells [4,5]. In case of defective or injured heart muscle cell,stem cell contributes to repairing defective or injured heart muscle cells [6,7]

Non biological drug are chemical substance which obtained by chemical synthesis processes and their structure is known and it is used to treatment of diseases,cure of disease,control of diseases.non biological drugs such as losartan,metformin,atenolol,propranolol,paracetamol,ranitidine atropine etc bind with receptor or enzyme and stimulate or inhibit the receptor or enzyme and give desire action [8-10]. On the other hand, antibiotic (biological drug) are chemical substance which obtain from biological sources such as differents microorganism [11,12]. Antibiotic such as penicillin,cephalosporin are used to growth inhibit or kill of the microorganism but at present,antibiotic are resistance by microorganism and Non biological drug gradually decrease their efficacy and so in future gene therapy and stem cell therapy are more dependable than antibiotic or Non biological drug [1,3,4,9,10,13,14].


For the purpose of research work, 20 specimens are divided into 2 groups. 1st group for Non biological drug study and contain 10 specimens (patient’s) and 2nd group for biological (antibiotic) drug study and contain 10 specimens.

Non Biological Drug Study

1st group (Non biological drug) are sub divided into 3 group such as A,B,C group.A group contained 3 specimen (patient’s) and patient’s had hypertention disease and applied antihypertensive drug such as losartan, bisoprolol; B group contained 3 specimen(patient’s) and patient’s had diadetes disease and applied antidiabetes drug such as metformin,glibenclamide; C group contained 4 specimen (patient’s) and patient’s had asthma disease and applied antiasthmatic drug such as theophylline,inhaler. 1st group had been monitoring for 4 years and recorded their dose requirement and disease condition (Table 1).

Biology (Antibiotic) Drug Study

2nd group is subdivided into 5 groups such as A, B, C, D, E. This 5 subdivided group sample was sent to the different diagnostic center for culture test (antibiotic resistance test). A group had 2 specimens (A1,A2). A1, A2 urine sample (due to UIT symptom show) was sent to modern diagnostic centre Ltd (Dhaka, Bangladesh), B group had 2 specimen(B1,B2).B1,B2 urine sample(due to UIT symptom show) was sent to meghna

laboratory (Chittagong, Bangladesh), C group had 2 specimen (C1,C2). C1, C2 sputum sample (due to RTI symptom show) was sent to chevron diagnostic centreLmd (Chittagong,Bangladesh), D group had 2 specimen (D1, D2). D1, D2 blood sample (due to several surgical wound infection) was sent to sigma laboratory Ltd (Chittagong, Bangladesh), E group had 2 specimen (E1,E2). E1, E2 blood sample (due to high fever, stomach pain) was sent to CSCR diagnostic centre Ltd (chittagong, Bangladesh) and report was collected and recorded (Table 2).


Non biological drug study

Biology (antibiotic) drug study

The study of the result shows that the drugs both some biological (only antibiotic or antimicrobial agent) and Non biological drug are gradually decrease their efficacy. Biological drug such as antimicrobial agent,antibiotic are gradually resistance by microorganism. After 20 to 40 years later 60 to 90 percent antibiotic or antimicrobial agent will be resistance by microorganism. Non biological drug could not bind properly with their specific receptor due to structural change of receptor or decrease the affinity of drug to receptor. After 30 to 40 years later the drug efficacy gradually decrease at low level and show low therapeutic effect. At this time the innovative treatment such as gene therapy,stem cell therapy are the more dependable treatment for control or prevent or cure of the diseases. Specific gene therapy used for specific disease control or cure.Manipulation of gene in the human cell and produce protective agent such as protein, antibody, enzyme) which inhibit the growth or kill of the microorganism and also control the hormonal diseases and cellular function and this protective agent such as protein which bind with receptor (structural change receptor which could not bind with Nonbiological drug) and give the desire function. On the other hand,stem cell therapy which control the all abnormal cell such as cancer cell,hormonal abnormal cell etc. and prevent the diseases and give the desires cellular function.


Nonbiological drug are synthetic compounds which could not derived from living organism and which bind with receptor, enzyme and show their desire action [9,10]. The long time use of Nonbiological drug are gradually decrease their efficacy due to decrease the affinity of drug to receptor or structural change of the receptor and drug could not properly bind with receptor or enzyme and could not show their therapeutic effect [8,10,15]. The dose of the drug are gradually increasing day by day, at a certain time the drug could not work properly and does not give their therapeutic effect and do not improve the disease condition [8,10,17]. Antibiotic resistance is the ability of microorganism to stop the action of antibiotic and increase the difficulty to treat the infectious diseases [12,15]. Antibiotic resistance due to the genetic mutation of microorganism,resistance gene transfer one microorganism to another microorganism, misuse of antibiotic, production of enzyme by microorganism [11,18].
Antibiotic resistance is increasing day by day such as staphylococcus aureus resistant the methicillin, penicillin, Cloxacillin, erythromycin, tetracycline, vancomycin and streptococcus pyogene resistant the tetracycline, erythromycin, clindamycin, vancomycin, chloramphenicol and Esch. Coli resistant the amoxicillin, cephalexin, ciprofloxacin, nalidixic acid, cephradin, cotrimoxazole and coliform bacteria resistant the tetracyclin, ampicillin, azithromycin, doxycycline, gentamycin and salmonella typhi resistant the chloramphenicol, ampicillin, ciprofloxacin, tetracyclin, vancomycin, amoxicillin, cephalexin, cephradin.after 20-30 year later 50-70 percent antibiotic will be resistance and 40-50 year later 70-90 percent antibiotic will be resistance and many people die due to infectious diseases [11,12,14,19].
Gene therapy is the manipulation of the gene into the cell and gives the desired functional protein (enzyme,antibody, hormone) which control or prevent the diseases such as manipulation of tumor suppression gene, which control the tumor or cancer diseases,manipulation of antibody producing gene, which inhibit the growth or kill the microorganisms [1,13,20]. Manipulation of gene can also control all genetic diseases and strong the immune system and control all hormonal diseases [1,2].
Stem cell have the ability of regeneration of cell such as regeneration of brain cell for the treatment of Parkinson’s diseases, Alzheimer’s diseases and other brain diseases. Blood stem cell can regeneration of blood cell for the treatment of blood cancer cell [3,4]. Diabetes patient’s could not produce insulin due to the lack of function of insulin producing beta cell and by stem cell therapy, beta cell can be regeneration and produce insulin and control the diabetes disease [6,7]. Stem cell may be advance in future and control the cellular problem and other diseases [4,5]. The findings of the study showed that day by day nonbiological drug efficacy are gradually decrease and amount of dose gradually increase [8,10]. At a certain time,Non biological drug could not work in our body and could not give the desire therapeutic action [15,16]. On the hand,day by day antibiotic resistant are gradually increase [12,14]. At a certain time,antibiotic could not work in our body and could not kill the microorganism and many people dies due to infectious diseases [11,12]. At this time,the innovative treatment such as gene therapy or stem cell therapy are most dependable treatment for the prevent or control of the diseases condition and safe the life of the people [1,3,4,13].


In future non biological drug could not work properly in our body and antibiotic resistance may be 70-90 percent(30-50 year later) and many people dies due to diseases could not improve [8,14,16]. At this time the innovative treatment such as gene therapy or stem cell therapy are most dependable treatment for the treatment of diseases condition [1,6,7].

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