Medicinal and Nutritional Values of Macrotyloma uniflorum (Lam.) Verdc (Kulattha): A Conceptual Study-Juniper publishers

Macrotyloma uniflorum (Lam.) Verdc commonly known as horse gram is a kind of legume of tropics and subtropics. Its medicinal uses are known to Ayurveda and Sri Lankan traditional physicians for centuries. Present study was undertaken to collect data on medicinal uses and nutritional values of M. uniflorum. Ayurveda pharmacodynamic properties of M. uniflorum are Kashaya Rasa, Laghu, Ruksha, Tikshna Guna, Ushna Veerya and Katu Vipaka. Various medicinal preparations such as Dhanyamla and decoctions are prepared using seeds of M. uniflorum. It is mainly used as a tonic, astringent, diuretic and also recommended in rheumatism, neuralgia and other several diseases. Horse gram seeds are rich in natural phenols; mostly phenolic acids, flavonoids and the major anti-oxidants. Horse gram is considered as animal fodder and its full potential as a part of human diet has not been exploited completely. It can be consumed as seeds, as sprouts or as meal by itself. Horse gram is an excellent source of protein (22-24%). Seeds contain carbohydrates (57.2%), fat (1.1%), vitamins, minerals (3.2%) and good amount of soluble fibers. Extract of these seeds shows potent anti-adipogenic, anti-hyperglycemic anti-hyper cholesterolemic activities. It acts against oxidative stress. It is concluded that Horse gram can be used as a multifaceted treatment as well as a wholesome food.
Keywords: M. uniflorum; Kulattha; Dhanyamla; Anti-oxidants; Food


Medicinal plants are used as a source of drugs for treatment of various illnesses all over the world, from ancient times to the present day. They serve as sources of important raw materials for manufacturing traditional and modern medicines. Food legumes, an essential component of balanced human diet are recognized as the second most important group of crops after cereals [1]. M. uniflorum (horse gram) is one of the legumes which are having high nutritious as well as ethno-medicinal values in the developing countries. Nowadays, to meet the ever increasing demand for vegetable protein there is an increase demand towards underutilized legumes as new alternate protein sources [2]. Besides nutritional importance; M. uniflorum has been known to its excellent remedial values due to presence of non-nutritive bioactive substances.
The seeds of M. Uniflorum contain bioactive substances such as phytic acid, phenolic acid, fiber, enzymatic/proteinase inhibitors which have significant metabolic and physiological effects [3]. Hence, in view of immense medicinal and nutritional importance of M. uniflorum, this review is an effort to compile the information reported on its phytochemical and pharmacological activities. This collection will be helpful to generate interest towards the plant and may be useful in developing new medicinal formulations which are more effective and have more therapeutic values.


Data was collected from Ayurvedic and Sri Lankan traditional medical texts, interviews conducted with traditional physicians, scientific journals and using web sources. The collected data was analyzed.


Taxonomic classification [4]

  1. Kingdom: Plantae
  2. Class: Magnoliopsida- Dicotyledons
  3. Subclass: Rosidae
  4. Order- fabales
  5. Family: Fabaceae
  6. Subfamily: Faboideae
  7. Tribe: Phaseoleae
  8. Subtribe: Phaseolinae.
  9. Genus: Macrotyloma (Wight &Arn.) Verdc - macrotyloma
  10. Species: Macrotyloma uniflorum (Lam.) Verdc.

Plant profile

  • Synonyms of M. uniflorum (Lam.) Verdc [5,6]
  • Scientific Name: Dolichos biflorus
  • Sanskrit Name: Kulattha, Kulathika, Sweta beeja
  • Sinhala Name: Kollu
  • English Name: Horse gram, madras gram, poor man’s pulse
  • Hindi Name: Kulit, Kultthi
  • Arabic Name: Habbul Kulth
  • Chinese Name: Bian Dou

Distribution of M. uniflorum (Lam.) Verdc

M. uniflorum is native to African countries such as Angola, Ethiopia, Kenya, Namibia, Somalia, South Africa, Tanzania; Asian countries such as Bhutan, China, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka and Taiwan and Australasian countries such as Australia [7] (Figure 1).

Morphological Characters

Morphological characters of M. uniflorum (Lam.) Verdc are given in (Table 1), (Figure 2).

Ayurvedic Pharmacodynamic Properties

Ayurvedic pharmacodynamic properties of M. uniflorum are tabulated below Table 2 [10,11].

Phytochemicals isolated from M. uniflorum (Lam.) Verdc

Therapeutic properties of medicinal plants may possibly be due to existence of various phytochemical components. Phytochemical screening studies reveal the existence of flavonoids, urease, glycosides, lenoleic acid, polyphenols, beta Sitosterol, amino acids- glycine, alanine, cysteine, serine, isoflavones, genistein, isoferririn,cumesterol, psoralidin, galactosidase, glucosides and streptogenin [12]. The seeds of M. uniflorum contain extractable total phenolics and tannins. Dry heated samples were found to have considerable amounts of phenolics and tannins than in raw samples [13,14]. Phenolic acids are isolated from the ethanolic extract of the seeds of M. uniflorum by reversed phase HPLC. There were eight phenolic acids components and the most abundant was p-coumaric acid and p-hydroxy benzoic acid. The successive extracts of root, seeds of M. uniflorum have revealed the presence of alkaloids, flavonoids, glucosides, lignins, phenols, saponins, tannins and sterols. Alkaloids are the lead molecules of curative importance from Macrotyloma species. Phytochemicals containing in M. uniflorum and their structures are given in (Table 3 & 4).

Traditional uses of M. uniflorum (Lam.) Verdc

Various parts of the plant M. uniflorum are used in medical systems such as Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani for thousands of years for various ailments both internally and externally.

Internal applications of M. uniflorum (Lam.) Verdc

The decoction of dry seeds of M. uniflorum is used in traditional medicine for amenorrhea, with rock salt for urolithiasis, bile stones, conjunctivitis, rheumatism, piles, with rock salt for diabetes mellitus, dysuria, colic and flatulence (with Asafoetida), oedema, with pepper for mumps, goiter and phlegmatic conditions [21]. Decoction of seeds is also useful in the management of postpartum syndrome or to promote the discharge of lochia [8]. Infusion of whole seed is an excellent remedy for rheumatic pain and hypertension. Infusion of seeds with cow’s milk is useful in the management of helminthes disorders [22]. Kanji (gruel) of dry seeds with jaggery is a remedy for jaundice. Anjana (collyrium) made with powder of seeds is applied for conjunctivitis. Dumapana (inhalation of the smoke) is beneficial for patients suffering from hiccough. The powder of toasted seeds is consumed with curd for gastric ulcers [23]. Intake of horse gram seed powder with some water is beneficial in skin rashes and boils. Seeds boiled with water are indicated for obesity. Soup prepared from seeds is administered for haemarrhoides, splenomegaly and hepatomegaly. Decoction of root is given for leucorrhoea. Juice of plant provides a good cure in diarrhea [24].

External applications of M. uniflorum (Lam.) Verdc

Powder of baked seed is rubbed over the body to manage excessive perspiration. Poultices of seeds are used to induce sweating. Paste of seeds is applied over the skin to enhance complexion. Paste of seeds is also applied for the goiter and mumps [25].

Prepared Medicines by using M. uniflorum (Lam.) Verdc M. uniflorum (Lam.) Verdc

The seeds of M. uniflorum are used to prepare drugs such as Kulatthadi Pralepa (paste), Kulatthadi Gruta (ghee), Kulattha Yusha, Dhanyamla (sour gruel) and Dantimuladi Kwatha [26,27].

Pharmacological Investigation

Pharmacological activities of M. uniflorum (Lam.) Verdc are tabulated in Table 5.

Researches carried out to find Pharmacological activities of M. uniflorum (Lam.) Verdc

Anti-hypercholesterolemic effect: Kumar, et al. [28] demonstrated that M. uniflorum extracts have strong activities against hypercholesterolemia and obesity. Antihypercholesterolemic effect of M. uniflorum extract is examined in rats by assessing its effects on food consumption, weight gain, serum lipid profile, serum glutamate oxaloacetate transamianse (SGOT), serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase (SGPT) and body fat [28]. Researchers reported that the consumption of ethanol and water extract of the plant for 5 weeks resulted a significant decrease (p <0.01) of total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides, low-density lipoprotein (LDL), very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) SGOT and SGPT levels. There was a significant increase in high-density lipoprotein (HDL) (p <0.01). They also discovered ethanol extract-treated group has shown a significantly higher fecal excretion of cholesterol level than those treated with water extract. Body weight of rats in the water extract-treated group was significantly lower than that in the ethanol extract-treated group.
Anti-microbial activity: According to Kawsar, et al. [29], Ram, et al. [30] and Gupta, et al. [31] extracts from M. uniflorum seeds had shown significant activity against Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa [29-31].
Anti-helmintic activity: The seeds of M. uniflorum have anthelmintic activity which can be beneficial in eliminating worms [34]. Philip, et al. tested he alcohol extracts of M. uniflorum seeds for their anthelmintic activity. These extracts exhibited potent anthelmintic activity against Pheretima posthuma and its activity was comparable with that of the standard, albendazole [35].
Analgesics and anti-inflammatory effect: Giresha et al., assayed the aqueous extracts of M. uniflorum coat and pulp by invitro method for inhibition of human secretory phospholipase A2 (sPLA2) as a function of anti-inflammatory activity. The extract effectively neutralized indirect hemolytic activity and showed similar potency in neutralizing the in vivos PLA2 induced mouse paw edema [36].
Anti-diabetic activity: Gupta et al., investigated the antidiabetic effect of α-amylase inhibitor isolated from the seeds of M. uniflorum in streptozotocin- nicotinamide induced diabetic mice. They have determined the biochemical parameters such as serum total cholesterol, aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels [38]. Purwar, et al., found that M. uniflorum α-amylase inhibitor (MUAI) inhibited both the mouse pancreatic and human salivary α-amylase. MUAI reduced the serum glucose level in the treated diabetic mice. Histological findings revealed minimum pathological changes in the treated diabetic mice as compared to the diabetic control [38].
Anti-choliolithic activity: Bigonia, et al. found that M. uniflorum seed exerted antilithogenic influence by decreasing the formation of lithogenic bile in mice. Both the methanolic and acetone extracts (ME and AE) were capable of decreasing cholesterol hyper-secretion into bile and increasing the bile acid output. The maximum effect was found in the AE as it decreased the papillary proliferation of gallbladder and hepatic fatty degeneration. Antioxidant property of polyphenol and tannin in AE may provide its potential antilithogenic effect [39].
Anti-histaminic activity: Suralkar et al., screened the ethanolic extract of M. uniflorum seeds for their anti-histaminic activity by using histamine induced contraction on goat tracheal chain preparation and histamine induced bronchoconstriction in Guinea pigs. Histamine induced contraction of isolated goat tracheal chain preparation was significantly subdued by the ethanolic extract of M. uniflorum seeds. The guinea pigs were significantly protected against histamine induced bronchospasm as indicated by delay in the preconvulsivedyspnoea time (PCT) following the exposure of histamine aerosol [39].
  1. Anti-peptic ulcer activity: Panda, et al., evaluated the antiulcer activity of the hydroalcoholic extract of the seeds of M. uniflorum (MUSE) and p-coumaric acid against indomethacin (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug) and absolute ethanol (necrotizing agent) induced ulcers in rats. A dose-dependent decrease in the ulcer index could be seen in both models after the pre-treatment with MUSE and p-coumaric acid. MUSE and p-coumaric acid elicited significant antioxidant activity by attenuating the ulcer elevated levels of malondialdehyde and restored the ulcerdepleted levels of reduced glutathione and the antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase [40].
  2. Anti-oxidant activity: Singh, et al. reported the in-vitro antioxidant activity of ethanolic seed extracts of M. uniflorum [42]. As per Ravishankar, et al. administration of M. uniflorum extract to rabbits with high-fat diet induced oxidative stress, showed improvement in anti-oxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase, catalase and increased glutathione concentration [41].
  3. Free radical-scavenging capacity: Siddhuraju, et al. revealed that among the various extracts, 70% acetone extracts of dry-heated samples of brown variety of M. uniflorum as well as raw and dry-heated samples of black variety exhibited significantly (P < 0.05) higher hydroxyl radical-scavenging activity. Generally all extracts showed good antioxidant activity (53.3-73.1%) against the linoleic acid emulsion system but were significantly (P < 0.05) lower than the synthetic antioxidant, BHA (93.3%) [44].
  4. Anti-urolithiatic activity: M. uniflorumwas found to be effective in preventing the deposition of the stones in experimental rats. Chaitanya, et al. reported the antiurolithiatic activity of aqueous and alcohol extracts of M. uniflorum seed on ethylene glycol induced urolithiasis in albino rats [46]. Das, et al. noticed an excessive urinary excretion of oxalate, calcium and phosphate was resulted after the feeding of ethylene glycol [47]. As per their findings of Atodariya, et al. and Bijarnia, et al. the seeds of M. uniflorum are endowed with significant antiurolithiatic activity and the alcoholic extract of M. uniflorum showed better anti urolithiatic activity than aqueous extract [48,49].
  5. Diuretic activity: Ravishankar, et al. explored the diuretic effect of ethanolic seed extracts of M. uniflorum in albino rats. The urine volume, Sodium, Potassium, Chloride and Bicarbonate contents were measured after the oral administration of extracts at doses of 200mg/kg and 400mg/kg. Diuretic effect was significant in experimental animals treated with of M. uniflorumextracts compared to the control, Furosemide (5mg/kg) [53].
  6. Hemolytic activity: The 1-butanol extract showed the significant hemolytic activity by mouse erythrocytes. Kawsar, et al. reported the presence of compounds such as methyl ester of hexadecanoic, ethyl ester of hexadecanoic acid mixture and n-hexadecanoic could be constituted a possible chemotaxonomic marker [54].
  7. Hepatoprotective activity: Parmar, et al. discovered the significant hepatoprotactive properties of M. uniflorum seeds against D-Galctosamine and paracetamol induced hepatotoxicity in rats [55].
  8. Toxicological studies: Kawsar, et al. analyzed the aerial parts of M. uniflorum for their cytotoxicity effects. Crude extracts of dichloromethane (CH2Cl2), ethyl acetate (EtOAc), 1-butanol (1-BuOH) and aqueous (H2O) were screened by using the brine shrimp lethality bioassay technique. Most of the extracts were found to be non-toxic and this indicates that the ethnobotanical use (oral applications) of the M. uniflorum is justified [62].
  9. Nutritional Values of M. uniflorum (Lam.) Verdc: M. uniflorum seeds are known as the poor man’s pulse crop in Asian countries, especially India. It is commonly used for both food and fodder. The use of dry seeds of horse gram is limited due to their poor cooking quality. Recently, the US National Academy of Sciences recognized this legume as an upcoming potential food resource [63].
  10. Methods of consuming: Seeds are the edible part of the plant and consumed as a whole (boiled) seed, as sprouts, as a curry or as whole meal in Asia, popular especially in southern Indian states. Procedures such as de-husking, germination, cooking, and roasting can be undertaken to enhance the nutritional quality of horse gram [64].
  11. Protein content: Horse gram is the most protein-rich lentil found on the planet. The seeds have twice the protein content as of cereal grains. Mean protein value of horse gram seeds is almost equivalent to winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus), gram (Cicer arietinum) and soybean (Glycine max) [65,66].
  12. Carbohydrate (CHO) content: M. uniflorum seeds contain common and abundant forms of CHO, viz sugars, fibers, and starches. The digestibility of starches as a legume is lower than that of cereal. Contain less carbohydrate (55- 65%) and energy compared to cereals. CHO available in M. uniflorum seeds has low glycemic index [67].
  13. Fatty acid content: Saturated fatty acids level in the seeds of M. uniflorum is considerably low. It is about 72.49% unprocessed seeds and about 71.99% in toasted seeds. Seeds are rich sources of Linoleic acid, an essential fatty acid. Raw seeds contain 45.58% and toasted seeds contain 40.33% of Linoleic acid [18].
  14. Dietary fiber content: Whole grains are the best sources to get fiber into a balance diet. Fibers are of two types, soluble and insoluble. Horse gram seed contains 28.8% total dietary fibers, mainly insoluble dietary fiber (IDF) 27.82% and soluble dietary fiber (SDF) 1.13% with IDF: SDF 24.6 [68]. Horse gram flour contains 16.3% total dietary fiber (14.9% insoluble and 1.4% soluble and 2.2% resistant starch) [69]. Seeds of M. uniflorum contain more insoluble dietary fiber than kidney bean (Phaseolus aconitifolius) [70].
  15. Micronutrient content: Horse gram has the highest calcium content among pulses. As a legume, Horse gram is deficient in methionine and tryptophan, though it is an excellent source of iron and molybdenum [71,72].
  16. Anti-oxidant source: The unprocessed horse gram seed is loaded in polyphenols, flavonoids and proteins, the major anti-oxidants which are also available in fruits and other food materials. The greater part of anti-oxidant properties is limited to the outer coat of seed and its removal would eliminate these properties.Macro and micro nutrients composition of dry seeds of M. uniflorum is given in (Table 6 & 7).

Amino acid composition of ?M. uniflorum

  1. Anti-nutritional factors: Anti-nutritional factors reduce the bioavailability of nutrients [73]. Horse gram flour also contains such factors viz, trypsin inhibitor (9246±18 TIU/g), phytic acid (10.2±0.4mg/g), polyphenols (14.3±0.4mg GA/g) and oligosaccharides (26.8mg/g) [70]. The consumption of horse gram as a human food is limited due to existence of high level of enzyme inhibitors, haemagglutinin activities, oligosaccharides, tannins, polyphenols and phytic acid compared to the other legumes [77,78]. Conventional processing methods such as de-husking, germination, cooking, and roasting have been shown to produce beneficial effects by decreasing the content of undesirable components which results in enhanced acceptability and nutritional quality in addition to optimal utilization of horse gram as human food [79].
Anti-nutritional factors: Anti-nutritional factors reduce the bioavailability of nutrients [73]. Horse gram flour also contains such factors viz, trypsin inhibitor (9246±18 TIU/g), phytic acid (10.2±0.4mg/g), polyphenols (14.3±0.4mg GA/g) and oligosaccharides (26.8mg/g) [70]. The consumption of horse gram as a human food is limited due to existence of high level of enzyme inhibitors, haemagglutinin activities, oligosaccharides, tannins, polyphenols and phytic acid compared to the other legumes [77,78]. Conventional processing methods such as de-husking, germination, cooking, and roasting have been shown to produce beneficial effects by decreasing the content of undesirable components which results in enhanced acceptability and nutritional quality in addition to optimal utilization of horse gram as human food [79].
  1. Protease inhibitors: Horse gram habitually contains inhibitors of proteases that reduce the digestibility of dietary proteins. Protease inhibitors form irreversible trypsin enzyme and trypsin inhibitor complex in the intestine. These protease inhibitors resemble other Bowman-Birk protease inhibitors and characterized by low molecular weight, high disulfide content with low content of aromatic amino acids. They can bind as well as inhibit trypsin and chymotrypsin either independently or simultaneously [81,82]. Trypsin inhibitor activity is significantly higher in horse gram flour (9246 TIU/g) as compare to chickpea (6452 TIU/g) and cowpea (6981 TIU/g) flour [70]. In germinated seeds trypsin inhibitor activity is 16% less than that of un-germinated horse gram seeds (950 x 103 TIU/g seed) [83]. As germination induces changes in the Bowman-Birk type proteinase inhibitors in both qualitative and quantitative ways, it facilitates protein hydrolysis for utilization in germination process [84]. Trypsin inhibitors are thermo-labile and their inhibitory activity can be reduced noticeably by thermal treatment [85].


According to Ayurvedic pharmacodynamic properties M. uniflorum is capable of pacifying vitiated Vata Dosha by its Madhura Rasa, Ushna Guna and Ushna Veerya. It pacifies vitiated Kapha Dosha, due to Kashaya Rasa, Laghu Guna, Ruksha Guna and Ushna Veerya. Therefore it can be used to treat a variety of ailments, originating through a multitude of causes.Seeds are having scientifically proven bioactivities such as anti-diabetic, antihyperlipidemic, diuretic, antioxidant and chemo modulatory. Therefore it can be beneficial in the management of the diseases such as diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidaemia, hypertension and stroke.
M. uniflorum seeds reduce blood sugar levels and post-prandial hyperglycemia, decrease absorption of the carbohydrate from the gut and abundant of soluble fiber. Therefore the seeds are useful in the treatment of diabetes mellitus.Further M. uniflorum seeds reduce serum cholesterol levels, inhibit the hepatic cholesterol genesis, increase excretion of fecal sterol and decrease insulin activates lipoprotein lipase which leads to hypertriglyceridemia. Seeds are also capable to possess hepatoprotective and anti-hyperlipidemic activities. All the above-mentioned effects can contribute potentially toward reduction of hypercholesterolemia and obesity.Seeds of M. uniflorum are excellent sources of polyphenols. They are capable of removing free radicals, chelating metal catalysts, activating antioxidant enzymes, reducing tocopherol radicals and inhibiting oxidase. Due to its anthelmintic properties, the seeds of M. uniflorum are useful in treating amoebic dysentry, bowel hemorrhage and colic pains.


Administration of horse gram can be used as a multifaceted treatment as well as a wholesome food that should be included in our diet on a regular basis.

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